Statistics of Cloud Investments are not at all static; its vibrant growth of 6.3% in the year 2020 says all…
AnAr Approach
Foreword: User stories convey the most intricate features designed by software companies in lucid language for benefit of end-users. Usually,…
Improve Quality : Service providers should be happy that the customers are involved and are enthusiastic about the project. Encourage…
Introduction: Digital Transformation is essential for business growth. As per the forecast, the world spending to enable digital transformation is…
Test and Operations (TestOps) is the emerging trend in testing. It introduced a newer technique of testing. This advanced testing…
In an era driven by data, businesses are in a perpetual state of evolution. The human mind, whether consciously or…
What Is GitFlow? GitFlow is suitable for collaboration and scaling of the development team. The GitFlow toolset is actually a…
What is Semantic Versioning? Major versions of the software are assigned unique version names or numbers that works as control…
Agile Metrics are very important part of an agile software development process. These metrics help software teams to supervise productivity…
Compare Azure Cloud Services to Service Fabric -When to go for migration? While building a native Microsoft Azure application, there…
Need for a Virtual Dev/Test Environment – How to build an army of testers in the cloud In the current…
Discover how Azure DevOps catalyzes business modernization, enhancing customer engagement, process efficiency, and market competitiveness for successful digital transformation
Behavior Driven Development (BDD) is a software development process originated from test driven development. Lucid language and illustrative descriptions provide…
The Azure Cosmos DB Blog – All about Cosmos DB, IoT and Azure Azure Cosmos DB is the multi-model database…
Building Applications Using Microservices and Azure More and more companies these days are using a modular development model, which brings…
Software is traditionally divided into two categories: packaged or custom. Custom software, also known as “Bespoke” software, is a type…