Why Build a Captive Center?

Building a Captive Center offers numerous strategic advantages that can significantly enhance your business operations. By maintaining greater control over processes, quality, and security, you can ensure higher standards and better outcomes. Captive Centers also provide cost efficiency by reducing long-term operational costs through strategic resource allocation. They offer access to a dedicated pool of skilled professionals tailored to your specific needs, serving as a hub for innovation and strategic initiatives.

Many enterprises have successfully implemented Captive Centers to enhance their operational efficiency and drive innovation. Now, AnAr Solutions is bringing this successful strategy to startups and SMEs, enabling them to compete at a higher level.

Operational Control
Maintain greater control over processes, quality, and security.
Cost Efficiency
Reduce long-term operational costs through strategic resource allocation.
Talent Access
Leverage a dedicated pool of skilled professionals tailored to your needs.
Innovation Hub
Establish a center focused on driving innovation and strategic initiatives.

Why Choose AnAr Solutions?

AnAr Solutions stands out as a premier partner for building Captive Centers, offering unmatched expertise, customized solutions, and a client-centric approach that drives success for startups and SMEs.

Proven Expertise
With years of experience and a strong portfolio of successful projects, AnAr Solutions delivers high-quality results that exceed expectations.
Tailored Service Models
We offer tailored models such as Virtual Captives, BOT, and BOM to meet your specific needs, ensuring seamless integration and operational efficiency.
Trust and Reliability
Our commitment to transparency and consistent communication builds trust and reliability, ensuring a smooth and dependable partnership.
Client-Centric Approach
Our dedication to understanding and prioritizing your goals ensures our services align perfectly with your strategic objectives, enhancing your competitive edge.
Success Stories
CEO at e-Learning Company in Finance Domain

My code base is complex and challenging to build on, so I needed a team that could both understand and rationalize my code while still focusing on growth implementations. The AnAr team took over the source code and applications quickly and are consulting on and migrating certain parts of our system to the latest technology to scale and improve maintainability. Key reasons for choosing AnAr was that they were established, familiar with projects like mine, consistently involved management and offered a unique unit testing methodology. My team cares about my project and will go the extra mile and late hours to minimize and fix any disruptions.

Partner at Portfolio Management Company

CGB Capital wanted a comprehensive portfolio management application to track equities and futures trading. AnAr team members assigned to me were extremely diligent, talented, and picked up key nuances of this domain very quickly. They understood workflow, alerts and watchlists concepts that were critical for this application. I am very pleased with the quality of the application (both form and functionality). Application is running smoothly and all users are satisfied with the performance. I specifically liked the lean and agile way of working with clear communication at every stage of application development lifecycle.

Founder & Director at AI and Analytics Company

We evaluated a number of potential offshore technology providers to work cohesively with our London based team, and decided to partner with AnAr. Initially, we started small and scaled later. The AnAr team aligned themselves to our practices, and technology standards to meet our talent needs and delivery commitments. The offshore team has become an integral part of our overall operations and there has subsequently been a very smooth interaction between my entire team (onsite and offshore).

Featured Services

At AnAr Solutions, we offer flexible engagement models to help you build and manage your Captive Center effectively. Choose from our three core models to best suit your business needs.


Virtual Captives

Managed by AnAr Solutions while you retain strategic control, combining the benefits of outsourcing with in-house control.


Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT)

We build and operate your Captive Center, then transfer full control to you after a set period.


Build-Operate-Maintain (BOM)

We build, operate, and manage your Captive Center for ongoing efficiency and effectiveness.

Get in Touch with AnAr Solutions

We’re here to help you build and expand your global team. Fill out the form below to tell us about your project, and our experts will get back to you shortly. Whether you’re interested in Offshore Development Centers, Captive Centers, or any of our flexible engagement models, we’re ready to provide tailored solutions that meet your specific needs. Let’s work together to drive innovation and achieve strategic growth for your business.

Frequently Asked Questions

A Captive Center, also known as a Global Capability Center (GCC), is a dedicated business unit owned and operated by a parent company in a different country. Typically adopted by larger enterprises, this strategy allows for greater control over processes, quality, and security.

AnAr Solutions is now bringing this successful strategy to startups and SMEs, enabling them to leverage skilled talent, drive innovation, and achieve cost efficiency. Our Captive Centers provide tailored services such as IT, finance, HR, and customer support to meet your specific business needs.

The Virtual Captive model combines the benefits of outsourcing with the control of an in-house team. In this model, AnAr Solutions manages the operations, infrastructure, and staffing of the Captive Center while you retain strategic control and oversight. This allows you to leverage skilled talent and resources without the need for significant upfront investment.

The Virtual Captive model provides flexibility, cost efficiency, and seamless integration with your existing operations, making it an ideal choice for startups and SMEs looking to scale efficiently and maintain high standards of quality and security.

The Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) model offers several key benefits for startups and SMEs:

  1. Reduced Risk: AnAr Solutions handles the setup and initial operation, mitigating the risks associated with establishing a new center.
  2. Expert Management: Leverage our expertise in managing the center during the initial phase, ensuring high standards and efficiency.
  3. Smooth Transition: After the agreed period, full control is transferred to you, providing a seamless transition and ongoing operational success.

This model allows you to focus on strategic growth while we manage the operational complexities.

The Build-Operate-Maintain (BOM) model provides ongoing management and maintenance of your Captive Center by AnAr Solutions, unlike the Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) model where control is transferred to you after setup and initial operation.

Key Differences:

  • BOT:
    • Build: AnAr sets up the center.
    • Operate: AnAr runs it initially.
    • Transfer: Full control is handed over to you after a period.
  • BOM:
    • Build: AnAr sets up the center.
    • Operate: AnAr continues to manage day-to-day operations.
    • Maintain: Ongoing support and optimization are provided by AnAr.

The BOM model ensures continuous efficiency and effectiveness, making it ideal for long-term partnership and sustained performance.

Choosing a Captive Center over traditional outsourcing offers several distinct advantages:

  1. Operational Control: Maintain greater control over processes, quality, and security, ensuring higher standards and better alignment with your business goals.
  2. Cost Efficiency: Achieve long-term cost savings through strategic resource allocation and reduced reliance on third-party vendors.
  3. Talent Access: Leverage a dedicated pool of skilled professionals who are fully integrated into your business, providing continuity and deep understanding of your operations.
  4. Innovation Hub: Establish a center focused on driving innovation and strategic initiatives, tailored to your specific needs.

This approach provides startups and SMEs with the benefits typically enjoyed by larger enterprises, now made accessible through AnAr Solutions.

At AnAr Solutions, we prioritize data security to protect your sensitive information. Our comprehensive approach includes:

  1. Robust Security Protocols: Implementing industry-standard encryption, secure access controls, and regular security audits.
  2. Compliance: Adhering to international data protection regulations, such as GDPR, to ensure legal compliance.
  3. Secure Infrastructure: Utilizing advanced security measures for data storage and transfer.
  4. Employee Training: Conducting regular training sessions for our team members on best practices for data security and privacy.

These measures ensure your data remains secure, providing peace of mind as you leverage our Captive Center solutions.

Captive Centers can provide significant advantages across a variety of industries, particularly those that require high levels of control, security, and specialized skills. The industries that benefit most include:

  • Technology: Enhances innovation and development processes with dedicated tech talent.
  • Finance: Improves data security and regulatory compliance for sensitive financial operations.
  • Healthcare: Ensures strict adherence to privacy regulations and high-quality patient data management.
  • Manufacturing: Optimizes supply chain management and operational efficiencies.

These sectors benefit from the tailored and controlled environment that Captive Centers offer, driving strategic growth and operational excellence.

Captive Centers can significantly enhance innovation within your business by providing a dedicated environment for strategic initiatives. Here’s how:

  • Focused Talent: Access a pool of skilled professionals dedicated to your projects, fostering innovative solutions and ideas.
  • Custom Solutions: Tailor the Captive Center to focus on specific areas of innovation relevant to your business needs.
  • Collaboration and Integration: Seamlessly integrate the Captive Center with your existing operations, enhancing collaborative efforts and accelerating innovation.

This setup helps drive continuous improvement and keeps your business at the forefront of industry advancements.

Setting up a Captive Center offers several cost advantages:

  • Lower Operational Costs: Benefit from cost-effective locations with lower labor costs compared to domestic hiring.
  • Reduced Overhead: Decrease expenses related to infrastructure, utilities, and administrative support.
  • Long-Term Savings: Achieve significant long-term savings through strategic resource allocation and efficient management.
  • Scalability: Easily scale your operations without the substantial incremental costs associated with expanding in-house teams.

These advantages help startups and SMEs optimize their budgets while maintaining high-quality operations and driving growth.

In the Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) model, AnAr Solutions ensures a smooth transition phase through the following steps:

  • Detailed Planning: We collaborate closely with you to develop a comprehensive transition plan that aligns with your strategic goals.
  • Expert Management: Our experienced team manages the Captive Center during the initial build and operate phases, ensuring high standards and efficiency.
  • Gradual Handover: We implement a phased handover process, providing training and support to your team to ensure a seamless transition.

This structured approach minimizes disruption and ensures operational continuity.

Integrating a Virtual Captive with your existing operations is streamlined to ensure minimal disruption and maximum efficiency:

  • Seamless Onboarding: We implement a comprehensive onboarding process to align the Virtual Captive with your business processes and goals.
  • Advanced Communication Tools: Utilize state-of-the-art collaboration and communication tools to facilitate real-time interaction and project management.
  • Regular Updates and Feedback: Maintain consistent communication with regular updates, feedback sessions, and performance reviews to ensure alignment and continuous improvement.

This approach ensures that the Virtual Captive operates as an extension of your in-house team, enhancing overall productivity and effectiveness.

At AnAr Solutions, we ensure strict adherence to compliance and regulatory requirements across different countries through:

  • Local Expertise: Partnering with local legal and compliance experts to understand and implement relevant regulations.
  • Standardized Processes: Establishing standardized processes and protocols to ensure ongoing compliance.
  • Regular Audits: Conducting regular internal and external audits to verify adherence to all applicable laws and regulations.
  • Employee Training: Providing continuous training for our team on the latest compliance and regulatory requirements.

These measures ensure that your Captive Center operates smoothly and legally in any location.

Absolutely, at AnAr Solutions, we understand that each business has unique requirements.

Our engagement models—Virtual Captives, Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT), and Build-Operate-Maintain (BOM)—are highly customizable. We work closely with you to tailor these models to meet your specific needs, ensuring they align perfectly with your strategic objectives and operational processes.

This flexibility allows you to achieve optimal efficiency and effectiveness in your Captive Center.

Click here to check out our comprehensive team solutions.

At AnAr Solutions, we offer comprehensive ongoing support to ensure the success of your Captive Center:

  • Continuous Management: We provide day-to-day operational support to maintain efficiency and productivity.
  • Regular Performance Reviews: Conducting periodic evaluations to ensure that your Captive Center meets your strategic goals and quality standards.
  • Training and Development: Offering ongoing training programs to keep your team updated with the latest skills and best practices.
  • Technical Support: Providing round-the-clock technical assistance to address any issues promptly.

This ongoing support ensures your Captive Center remains efficient, innovative, and aligned with your business objectives.

Build Your Team with AnAr

Full Stack Developers
Expertise in .Net Core/ Python/ Java for backend, and Angular/ React for frontend. Experience with MS SQL/ PostgreSQL/ MongoDB. Exp in API and Serverside development
Back End Developers
Skilled in .Net Core/ Python/ Java. Expertise in MS SQL/ MySQL/ MongoDB. Frameworks: ASPNetZero/ Django/ Express.js/ Node.js. API and server-side expertise.
Front End Developers
Expertise in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and popular frameworks such as React, Angular, or Vue.js. Excel at creating engaging, interactive user interfaces and responsive designs.
Test Engineers
Proficient in Manual and Automation testing. Expertise in test automation frameworks, scripting languages such as Python or Java, and tools like Selenium or Katalon.
Cloud Engineers
Expertise in cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud. Specialize in designing, deploying, & managing cloud infrastructure, ensuring scalability & security.
DevOps Engineers
Excel in configuration management, containerization (Docker, Kubernetes), cloud platforms (AWS, Azure), and CI/CD pipelines for streamlined software delivery.
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