SharePoint Server 2019 Still a lot of companies are putting their faith on premise versions of SharePoint rather than moving…
Microsoft Technologies
Application Rationalization Continuing financial insecurity is commanding stern cost burdens on organizations across businesses. In reply, a lot of industries…
You got Cloud instance and moving your web application to cloud and now it is a Cloud based application. You…
Performance optimization in software development can be a deeply polarizing issue among programmers. Fortunately, for the .NET developer there are…
Deployment for ASP.NET Core .NET Core applications can either run as a command line program with Kestrel, or under IIS….
These days, Adaptive Query Processing (AQP) is being widely used as an answer to the glitches of query optimization and implementation, irrespective of whether the data is logged on in the…
Artificial Intelligence changing Quality Assurance software Тhе shоrt hіstоrу оf sоftwаrе соntаіns а hаndful оf іnеvіtаblе trеnds. Таkе аnу sоftwаrе…
The Importance of Code Reviews Software developers from a range of experiences do write a lot of code for developing software solutions. Despite the fact…
Aurelia has made things much easier for building apps for the browser, mobile or desktop, as it allows us to create remarkable UI. What is more, it creates…
Azure Storage in ASP.NET Core As days are passing by, more and more projects are making their files properly saved…
Conversion of ASP.NET to ASP.NET Core Before knowing how to convert ASP.NET to ASP.NET Core you must be knowing what…
Tips to Improve Your Exception Handling Getting exception handling right can spare you hours (or even days) of investigating. Unforeseen…
Application Security Best Practices In the industry surveys extending from Symantec Threat Reports to the Gartner analyst report, the application…
Design patterns are a moderately new idea in software engineering, and have their roots in civil engineering. Basically they are…
What is Remote Debugging and its use? Remote debugging is an application for the purpose of debugging by means of…
The Microsoft Block Editor is an intuitive editor for the BBC microbit that gives a basic prologue to programming. Blocks…