Performance testing is defined as the technical investigation done to determine or validate the speed, scalability, and/or stability characteristics of…
AnAr Approach
Before we divulge into the possibilities of secure cookies, it is imperative to discuss the history of cookies. For this…
Application Support and Maintenance remains one of the biggest areas of concern for IT organizations of all sizes. Bulk of…
As an enterprise that deals with software development, alternating between the market’s requirements that are ever in flux is one…
Oilfield services, one of the largest industrial sectors that have reported immense growth in the last decade, are responsible for…
Client is the main part of any business organization and client satisfaction is the most important issue for its success….
DevOps (combination of development & operation) is an enterprise software development term coined to mean a lively relationship between the…
Over the past few years, ‘Lean maintenance’ has become a frequently used buzz phrase in the IT world, and it…
Introduction for Provider Hosted Apps: Provider Hosted App is one where the app is hosted outside of SharePoint. For Example,…
Enterprise mobility is what Internet was a couple of decades back for enterprise and its transitions in terms of technology…
Just like there are 5Ps of marketing, there are also “5 Ps” of Software Development in an organisation 1. People…
Offshore Team has committed the deliverable for Friday morning and it is Monday still team is struggling to deliver. They…
Design Thinking is a methodology to solve complex problems, and find desirable solutions for clients. It draws upon logic, imagination,…
It is extremely critical to manage the most basic asset of a company, i.e. people; and HR plays a major…
Companies often employ management consultants to discover ways to improve efficiency at work. They mainly focus on Policies and Processes!…
We come across many outsourcing stories every day. Some of them show positive side i.e. successful outsourcing engagements and some…